
Statement of Intent

Sco-Fro Group Ltd believes that it must take steps to manage its impact on the
natural environment. As a consequence we are committed to conducting our
business in a manner that is sensitive to the environmental needs of the communities within which we operate.

This aim will be achieved by upholding defined, key environmental standards in all of our operations, and we actively encourage our business partners to demonstrate similar levels of commitment.

Sco-Fro Group Ltd Environmental Standards

Energy use

We constantly measure our energy use and aim to continuously reduce consumption per unit of output in each of our manufacturing operations. Where feasible to do so, renewable energy sources are used.

Water use

We source water responsibly and aim to continuously reduce our water use and
discharge per unit of output at each location.


Packaging materials are designed where possible to minimise their environmental impact whilst still ensuring that product safety and integrity are maintained at all times. Wherever practicable packaging materials are manufactured from recyclable or reusable materials.

Non-hazardous solid waste production

Wherever possible solid waste is reused or recycled. We measure and aim to reduce our non-hazardous solid waste production each year.


We always seek to be a "good neighbour" - minimising the impact of our plants on local residents and aiming for zero complaints about issues such as noise, dust or odour.

Supporting activities

Sco-Fro Group Ltd is committed to upholding high standards of responsible behaviour in our own operations and to developing and supporting a similar commitment amongst our business partners.

These behaviours are supported by the systems and processes summarised below:-

Continuous improvement

All sites aim for continuous improvement in reducing the environmental footprint of their operations.

Customers and suppliers

We work closely with our customers to ensure our systems meet their requirements.

We also brief all on-site contractors about key environmental issues to ensure that
we are managing our environmental impact effectively.

Crisis Management / Contingency Planning

We have a documented and tested Group Crisis Management System which enables an effective and professional response to incidents of a serious and/or urgent nature. The system also covers Sco-Fro Group's response to 3rd party crises which could have a significant impact on our business.


We recognise that the environments in which we operate globally are constantly
changing and, because of this, the Board of Directors continually review it to ensure that its content and implementation remain effective. This review will be chaired by
the Group Chairman. Any amendments to the policy will be ratified by the Board of Sco-Fro Group.